KUNST. GRENZENLOS – Benefizveranstaltung am 19. Dezember 2015 im Titania
Eine Benefizveranstaltung zugunsten traumatisierter Flüchtlinge in Kooperation von FAT, Freies
Schauspiel Ensemble, FATRA FM, Pete Smith und Talib R. Vogl
Samstag, 19. Dezember 2015
Beginn : 16 Uhr – open end
Eintritt: 15 €
Erlös und Spenden gehen an FATRA e.V.
kunst.grenzenlos proudly presents:
BBB is about philosophy of the future that already happened. It is reflection on emotional and irrational in a world of global power, big data and intelligent technologies. It is about a generation of youngsters that probably never experienced the world without internet. It is an attempt to find out and confront the variables that construct nowadays western realities via an electriconic music composed by Alexander Sahm and texts written and spoken by Alla Poppersoni.